The Secrets of Learning the Fretboard
As Seen In: Rolling Stone Acoustic Guitar Yahoo! Internet Life

Highlighted Lesson

Lick, Riff or Trick

Learn a fun rock riff using power chords.
Licks, Riffs, and Tricks

LRT-020 Power Chord Rock Riff

Play some power chords with palm muting in this power chord rock riff by Milan Trickovic.  This lick uses a standard eighth note rhythm.  When you change chords, you will notice that the chord is […]

Selected Exercise

Ex-005 Fretting Combinations Exercise Part 2

Ex-005 Fretting Combinations Exercise 2

This exercise expands on the Fretting Combinations exercise. This exercise will train both your fretting hand and your picking hand by playing all the fretting combinations and all the picking combinations. The picking combinations are […]